
Civic provides a cli called onespot that handles server management for you.

To get it installed on your path, make sure your virtual environment is activated, and run python develop.

IMPORTANT: Each onespot command takes a --target=production argument in order to make these commands run on the production server. By default, the commands go to staging.

You will also need to ensure that you have environment files for the servers in your project. These are gitignored because they contain API keys that we cannot leak to the public. In both the terraform/staging and terraform/production folders, you will need both a .env file and a terraform.tfvars file. Talk to Tyler if you don’t have these.

You can always run onespot help for information on the command line.


Run these commands when you need to create new servers or push new code to the servers.

Destroy server

onespot server destroy

This command will completely remove the server and its corresponding security groups from AWS.

Provision new server

onespot server launch

This command will create a new EC2 instance according to the size defined in terraform.tfvars, and associate it with the elastic IP defined in terraform.tfvars.

Setup new server

onespot server setup

This command will install an SSL certificate, setup logging, and install your nginx and uwsgi configuration files to an existing server. Run this after you have launched a new server.

Updating existing server

onespot server update

This command will grab the latest from the master branch of this repo on Github and put it on the server. Then, it will reinstall requirements, migrate the database if necessary, and collect static files.